Tuesday 30 January 2007

A Rut For Eternity.

"Okay, kids we're gonna go on a field trip today, plus it ain't gonna be like any other field trip not a crapatorium this time."
"Is it disneyland?"
"Yes, yes it is disneyland NO ITS NOT YOU LAB GUINEA PIG!!!!! But still its a wonderful place, you kids are very lucky. Except for unlucky Timmy over there."
"The walls are caving in on me."
"Yes well it's not law suit he was a cube when he got here RIGHT!"
"Yes Mr. Klassswerth."
"Errr. Mr. Klasswerth."
"Yes Carl."
"My stomach hurts, I have a pin through my finger. Look."
"Carl, thats just a prank I could show you what would really happen if something like that happened. YAH."
"Harry, why is there a pen knife jammed in my head."
"I don't know, just take these pills every five seconds and PSYCHE!"
(Mr. Klasswerth punches the person whom he threw a pen knife at.)
"Okay, I won't lie to you we're going to see a VOLCANO. TA DA."
"Sir, Jimmy can't here you, some jerk impaled him with a fork."
"The Fork in the night shall return MWAHAHAHAHA. Ow hit my head on the window."
"I don't want to see pyroplastic crap."
" Its pyrolapsic. Moron."
"We're bored I'm leaving."
(The whole class puts there hands up.)
"Fine then leave, but don't come crawling back."
"We won't we'll probably come walking to school the next day."
"Well at least I've still got the cube kid with a fork through him."
"No you haven't. Damn. Carry me Dan. HA!"
"I'm gonna collapse. Uhhhh."
(Cuts to tomorrow.)
"So class, I see you've came back."
"We said we would, you're a weird man."
"Maybe so, but people say I'm a sane man when I start playing with a tickle me elmo."
"Now, get on the bus."
"WAIT. WAIT! DON'T LEAVE ME! STUPID THING. Why I could throw this rock. YAAAH."
(The bus stops and gradually falls apart.)
"Uh Oh."

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